If life gives you nothing but lemons drink limeade.
I’m a 2,956-hit wonder.
2,956 shows without work-related injury except to my pride.
The best ATH panelists are those who say the least.
Opinion in this segment are like bread - wry and stale.
My eyes glazed over while looking at the donuts.
I just come here for the RC Cola and the Moon Pies.
Oh, yeah, Canada!
So glad we’re no longer doing ATH from a bomb shelter.
Duct tape can’t save Cowlishaw’s opinions.

Note: Cowlishaw = Tim Cowlishaw, another panelist on the show

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Pickleball addiction?
No big dill
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Today on ATH I will be performing my high wire act.
Tony can’t figure me out. I don’t come with instructions.

“Sporting good companies paid me not to use their equipment.”
– Bob Uecker

“I must be in the front row.”
– Bob Uecker

Back by demand.
I’m pop-you-lar!
And wicked.

Our ♥s go out to LA

We may be grumpy old men,
but we are…
where are we?

Two panelists are in their 30s.
The other two are from the 1940s.

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