Too legit to quit
Everybody loves ramen
Most likely to secede
Escalators don’t break, they become stairs
If I look lost & confused return me to ATH
I’m doing this show in pain
Professional celebrity

Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]

Pobody’s Nerfect
Flavor of the week

Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]

Mariotti is slang for 2nd place

Note: Mariotti = Jay Mariotti, another panelist on the show

Wrong hurts. Ask the other 3 panelists
Beards: They grow on you
Talk only if you can improve on the silence
Avoid cliches like the plague
I don’t think much therefore I might not be
My clone is awesome.
Come to the dark side, we have cookies.

Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]

This is what cool looks like
Working class hero

Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]

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