Today on ATH I will be performing my high wire act.
Tony can’t figure me out. I don’t come with instructions.

“Sporting good companies paid me not to use their equipment.”
– Bob Uecker

“I must be in the front row.”
– Bob Uecker

Back by demand.
I’m pop-you-lar!
And wicked.

Our ♥s go out to LA

We may be grumpy old men,
but we are…
where are we?

Two panelists are in their 30s.
The other two are from the 1940s.

I saw mommy kissing the appliance repair man.

Dear Santa,
I can explain.
Don’t mute me.

I’m not ill. I’m just an in flu encer.
My parents had me when they were teenagers. What did you expect?
Today I’m so aggressive I’ll surround the horn.
I have selective hearing. I’ve selected not to listen to Tony today.

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

Where does the time go?
The wrong place once every year.

Ben Franklin was wrong. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man miss west coast NBA games.

I’m not ascending.
I’m condescending.

I read the terms and conditions. Don’t understand either.
My death has been a living hell





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