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Please only look, don't read.

I could describe apathy, but I’d rather not.
You’re so ugly you make onions cry.
Never eat anything you can’t pronounce.
I can’t cook. I use a smoke alarm as a timer.

Ol' man river
old man Paige

Pelican chalkboard can’t
Show me your chalk
About all I can make is a bag of chips open.
All of my secrets are well known.
Stop, drop and cinnamon roll!

Did you see the new pirate movie?

It's rated arrr

I speak fluent sarcasm.
Every now and then, I wish it was then instead of now.
I can’t believe I lost my watch, I don’t have time for this!

How deep in the Grand Canyon?

True -or- False

I’m lip-synching my answers today.

Procrastinators Unite!


If it weren’t for people, there wouldn’t be anybody.
I was going to draw a circle, but there’s just no point.
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