My favorite restaurant is Ikea
My dream was to become somebody. The reality is I became nobody
When one door shuts in life, another opens and smacks me in the face
Sharing locker today at studio with Davy Jones
I have a stunt double for this show
If I sit very still like in school, Frank may not call on me today
Note: Frank = Frank Isola, the fill-in host of ATH
When I lose my phone I usually find it in my hand
Frank should have instructions included
Note: Frank = Frank Isola, the fill-in host of ATH
The heart’s purpose is to pump blood, not to care about a football team’s loss
The voices in my head talk to each other, not to me
I have invented the hair fryer. No oil. Only problem is sticking my head in it
I’ve never missed a field goal or a penalty call
My friend bet me $5 I wouldn’t wear this shirt today on TV
I once dated Mona Lisa. Made her smile
Alexa, tell me the numbers that will win Powerball this week