All exchanges must be made within 6 minutes
I reject your reality and substitute my imagination
Wow, it’s nice out here in left field.
I barely survived yesterday. And it’s today already!
Sorry…yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
I told my therapist about you!
Oops…did I say that out loud?
My minions can take out your minions.

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody. [pic]


Note: Arrow pointing at Woody. [pic]

Where are my peeps when I need them?
King of nothing in particular

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody [pic]

I’m always right

Note: Had a drawing of a right angle. [pic]

Please make me laugh. I’m bored!

I can't hear you over the sound of how suave I am.

The voices in my head are slurring their words.

One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards.
- Oscar Wilde

Boom, crush, night, losers, winning, duh.
-Chalie Sheen

Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything.
-Vince Lombardi

No more turkey, but I’d like some more of the bread it ate
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