It’s hard to soar with eagles when your surrounded by turkeys.

Note: "your" [sic]

The turkey has a destiny which ends TODAY!
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
Deadlines amuse me
They’re not deadlines, just guidelines.
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Who cares if it’s half-empty or half-full? Just fill it up

Means never having to take all the blame.

My genius is like liightning. One brilliant flash, and it’s gone.

Note: "liightning" [sic] [pic]

Yet, despite the look on my face, you’re still talking.
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I'm in my happy place

You laugh because I’m different. I laugh because you’re all the same.
Of course I’m right; I’m always right. I’m like a truth machine.
Rosebud was my sled dog.
Of course I don’t look busy. I did it right the first time.
I’m kind of a big deal in Wyoming

Drama free zone

Step Away!</p>

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