I’ve sunk way below rock bottom
I want a liar’s pants to actually catch on fire
On days I’m not on ATH, I yell at clouds
I suffer from phobophobia. Fear of phobias
My superpower is I make tequila disappear
Ted Lasso and AFC Richmond refused to play in the Super League
There are no foolish questions, only foolish co-workers
I put my cell phone on airplane mode. It flew away
My gym has reopened. I’ve forgotten where it is. Good
Sorry, Bill, but was rolling my eyes too loud?

Note: Bill = Bill Plaschke, another panelist on the show

Look at me Tony the way I look at banana split

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

Woody for the “W” today. Elle for the “L”

Note: Elle = Elle Duncan, another panelist on the show

Frank’s teams have no chance in big dance

Note: Frank = Frank Isola, another panelist on the show

I’m wearing bracket jacket
I took stupidity vaccine. It didn’t work
Tony is why shampoo bottles have directions

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

My hairstyle and lifestyle are a hot mess
Yea I said that. Welcome to my Brain. Buckle up, Bucky
Getting a new pail is on my bucket list

Today’s secret word:

Note: It's a song

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