I live to take long, romantic walks to the fridge
Self-satisfaction is word bosses use to get you to work for free
I visited a fireplug factory. Nowhere to park
Want my olympicks? Be my paypal
I used to have hatred of speed bumps, but I’ve gotten over it
ESPN survey proved I’m most popular commentator amoung zombies
Ramona’s favorite band is The Ramones
Note: Romona = Romona Shelburne, another panelist on the show
I love mimes, but that goes without saying
I am overrated, but don’t underestimate me
Best sign I saw on vacation was at Dairy Queen: “Out of ice cream.”
I will be 75 Sunday. That sure came too soon
Today I beat the O’jays - Jackie, J.A., Jorge. Forever mine
Note: Jackie = Jackie MacMullan; J.A. = J.A. Adande; Jorge = Jorge Sedano. The other panelists on the show
Don’t worry Frank I’ll help you
Note: Frank = Frank Isola, the host of this episode
Went to trampoline park today. Bouncer wouldn’t let me in
Diner out of my favorite dish. No parm, no fowl
During ATH today I’d rather talk to myself than these 4 losers
I didn’t sign up for 401K. I can’t run that far
Changing my name to Gaggle. I know nothing
Wile E. didn’t realize real coyotes are 20 MPH faster than roadrunners