Failure has gone to his head

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody.

Bill you’re not yourself today. I noticed the improvement immediatley.
Tim has an inferiority complex – and it’s fully justified
I can’t seem to remember your name, but please don’t help me
I don’t do decaf
I don’t know what your problem is Tony, but I’ll bet it’s hard to pronounce

TOP 10
reasons to procrastinate

1. (I'll tell you later)



A good rooster crows in any hen house
Hard work pays off in the future; laziness pays off now
Choose Wisely

Note: Had a rock, paper, and scissors taped to the chalkboard [pic]

Experience is something you don’t get until after you need it
I know so little, but I know it so fluently.
They gave me the key to the city, then they changed the locks.

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they are real."
- Abraham Lincoln

Double negatives are not a no-no
You had me at bacon
Sometimes I mispell on perpose

Spelling is

I was not informed that the bird is the word
I’m confused. Oh wait, maybe I’m not.
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