Powerpoint presentations have rendered me useless
If you can’t do something right, do it yourself
Wanna play?
Note: Drawing of a hopscotch board. [pic]
My failures are only exceeded by my mistakes
Fishing is addictive. You can get hooked.
I’m board, and hanging by a thread
Note: Drawing of man with “lame beard” & “lame hair”. [pic]
Note: Drawing of a man [pic]
Note: Drawing of a man [pic]
My failures are only exceeded by my mistakes
I can recite backwards all 28 numbers of the alphabet
I would score more points if I understood the questions
How does non-stick coating stick to frying pans?
My crystal ball says the Ouija board is fake
I can beat Plaschke even when I’m not here
Note: Plaschke = Bill Plaschke, another panelist on the show
Don’t eat the cow in Moscow or the bull in Instanbul
Don’t eat the turkey legs in Turkey or the deli in New Delhi
Don’t eat the mussels in Brussels or the red beans in New Orleans
My teachers never had a chance