I never ever speak in absolutes
2 of the voices in my head don’t speak English
Lefties have rights too
Old magicians never die.  They just disappear.
Magic is a vanishing art
Can I pay my VISA off with my library card?
I shop like a bull. I charge everything.
My only domestic quality is that I live in a house
Don’t laugh. Someday I’ll be in charge.
It’s as bad as you think and they are out to get you
If you can read this, thank your teacher
I’m so broke I can’t even pay attention.
Money is the root of all evil. I’m OK with evil.
I’m paid weekly. Very weakly.
Life’s too short to feel guilty
Only elephants should wear ivory
The rabbit lost to the tortoise by a hare
Chicken Little was the victim of fowl play
What happened to Humpty Dumpty was not an accident
10,339 career mutes

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody.

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