I can’t even afford a poorboy sandwich
My get up and go got up and went
Yelling is the only exercise I get
I wasn’t late today; I was early for tomorrow
I want to supply my own questions
I’ll bet you a dollar you read this
I’ve tried all the early bird specials
When alone, I’m the smartest person in the room
Last night I dreamed I had insomnia
The mute button violates the first amendment
The fun stops here

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody.

5 out of 4 dentists recommend ATH
The panel needs a mute button
Chalk is cheap
Blackboard chalks in its sleep
Faster than the speed of mute

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody.

I don’t care about apathetic people
Accountants can count on me!
Please explain the scoring system again
Authors always write me off
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