I'm back by popular
A performer who makes more than his or her agent
Digital Scroller: Say goodnight Gracie
Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Kristen Fowler, Benjamin Bustos, Manny Thayne, Leia Joy, Chine, Patrick Hart, Adam Lombard, Denielle Nadau, Dominic Dezzutti, Heather Domko, Matt McGarrity, Christa Arvantes
Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Matt Taylor, Bobby Ferrara, Robert Mitton, Cathy Noel, Greg Hopper, James Mirsky, Jeff McDonald, Kevin Ceigersmidt, Rich Southcott, Karl Rohner, Frank Maketa, Karl Celarier
Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Ryan Hook, Regis Univ., Ozzie Roach, Curtis Anderson, Shawn Pischke, Anthony Acampora
Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Kenny Lyle, Mike Meservey, Doug Deutsch, Alan McNally, Kwame Nkrumah Acheampong
Note: Reali = Tony Reali, the host of ATH
Digital Scroller: twitter.com/woodypaige
Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Nathan McQuary, Jeremy Smith, Tyler Metzger, DC/MD/VA
Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Jimmy Delach, Michael Huntley, Noah Ai, Kelly McGuire, Roberto Luongo, Matt De Caire, Javis Varnado
Digital Scroller: Word of the day is beardo: A weirdo with a beard
Digital Scroller: Early bird special: Tony’s adobo dry rub personality
Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Niels Neeskens, Daniel Gonzales, Jordon Angstadt, Chris Torrens, Nick Seatons, Resurrection Boys, Manny and Diane
Digital Scroller: Early bird special: Veal Jayccata with Garlic bruisechetta