Some people don’t like food going to waist

Digital Scroller: Today’s Special: Plaschetti and meatballs with extra cheese

Reading while sunbathing makes you well-red

Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Punxsutawney Phil, Meanlino Brothers, mitchav59, don’thatebehated, champ0321, kelsoheathen, its-esbee

314 wins

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody.

Digital Scroller:

Flying these days is a frisky business

Digital Scroller: Word of the day: Gray-Lo = A woman too old to dress like J-Lo

7 days without a pun makes one weak

Note: They did something really weird today...during ‘Buy or Sell’, Tony Reali was asking if they can remember a time when the senior bowl dropped someone’s stock more than this year’s did to Tim Tebow, and they cut in a clip of Woody from last Thursday’s ‘showdown’ saying, “Let's just move on, can we?”. In the clip, his chalkboard was as captured, but prior to that cut and after that cut, his chalkboard displayed today’s “pun”.

Digital Scroller: Soup of the day: Cowlislaw broth and beans

California smog test: can UCLA?

Digital Scroller: Shout-out to: Taylor Swift, Andrew Bauhs, Caryn Smotrilla, Lake Mary H.S., Brian Davis, Jeff Clark, Clastro, Mommy and Max, Dana Dee, Mr. Prolific

A criminal’s best asset is his lie ability

Digital Scroller: Now serving

Acupuncture is a jab well done

Digital Scroller: Grool: Cool and good mixed together (OK, where did the "R" come from?)

Small people are in short supply

Digital Scroller: "Shout-out to Ben Bestos, Jeff Hollingsworth, Johnny Damon, Conan O'Brien"; it changed mid-segment to "99 Billion Served"

What you seize is what you get

Digital Scroller: Regrab: To grab again

A hangover is the wrath of grapes

Note: Woody added a scrolling digital sign under the chalkboard that said, "Send tweets to"

Those who hate classical music have my symphony
2 silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
Long fairy tales have a tendency to dragon
A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat
Skipping school to bungee jump will get you suspended
I didn’t escape. I got a day pass.
Love can be a touchy feely subject
An eye for an eye leaves the world blind
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