I know you are nobody’s fool. You’re everybody’s.
Act your age - SENILE!

I hear you changed your mind! And got back 2¢

Detroit Casino bans Marriotti as a loser

Note: Marriotti = Jay Marriotti, another panelist on the show

Why is there 1 US monopolies commission?
I have a foggy bottom

Note: Foggy Bottom is a neighborhood in Washington, D.C., where Woody has been since the April Fool’s Day show.


Demand I host again!

Save the planet! Annoy 1 person at a time.
Washington schlepped here

Note: Woody was still in Washington due to the April Fool’s show.

The new Washington Monument

Note: Since it’s April Fool’s Day, Woody was hosting the show in Washington and had to hold the chalkboard up manually at the beginning of the round.

Slept last night in Lincoln’s bathroom

Note: Since it’s April Fool’s Day, Woody was hosting the show in Washington and had to hold the chalkboard up manually in the middle of the round.

People say I have no taste, but I like Tony

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of the show

Jackie reminds me of the ocean—she makes me see-sick

Note: Jackie = Jackie MacMullan, another panelist on the show

I bet your mother has a loud bark
Jay is no longer beneath my contempt

Note: Jay = Jay Mariotti, another panelist on the show

Most of us live and learn. You just live.
I like your approach, now let’s see your departure
What’s the latest dope besides you?
Honk if you love peace and quiet
On the other hand, you have different fingers
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