Love is grand; divorce is a hundred grand
Shin: A device for finding furniture
Woody Reali Barcelona

Note: Reali = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

Slum dog silver hair

Note: Arrow pointing at him

I solved the curious case of Benjamin Button

WARNING: Stuck on fast forward & mute doesn't work

Whispering didn’t work. I’m more of a dog yeller.
Why is minuscule a bigger word than huge?


Note: “Tom Cruise. Cruise to Aruba.”


Note: During the opening introductions, Woody informed us that the blackboard has a new game called “Top to Bottom”. He then pointed at the board and instructed us to say, “Say cheese. Cheese doodle.”

Fun for the whole family

Note: Arrow pointing at him

He who laughs last thinks slowest
Bea Arthur is Mariotti’s understudy
Little Miss Mixed Messages

Note: Arrow pointing at him

Mediocrity is the new excellence
It costs $ to look this cheap
Cupid is stupid
Smooth operator

Note: Arrow pointing at him

Note to self: ditch these losers
I’d rather be sitting on the toilet doing sodoku

Note: I'm not sure about this, but I'm thinking he meant “sudoku”, the puzzle game, rather than “sodoku” the disease.

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