Let the potato chips fall where they may
Entering smug mode
Why don’t psychics win more lotteries?
I never apologize, I’m sorry, but that’s the way I am
The cure for insomnia is more sleep
Never moon a werewolf
Entering fourth childhood

Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]

If it fits in a toaster I can cook it
I know you are but what am I?
Please do not feed or tease the fantasy geeks
Let’s constantly turn the conversation back to me
If it fits in a toaster I can cook it
Parsley makes it fancy
I’m terrified of being offline
Wash me

Note: Board was all chalky and Woody (or an intern) used their finger to erase "wash me". Similar to what you might see on a dirty car. [pic]


Note: It was written upside down.
At the end of the show Woody thanked a bunch of people and informed everyone that he would not be back until after the new year, and wished everyone a happy holiday. [pic]

For a good time, call someone else
Save water, shower with friends
David: Will you marry me? -Woody
David: consider a pre-nup
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