It’s not rocket surgery
My French teacher is muy caliente!
The gene pool could use a little chlorine
Yet, despite the look on my face… you are still talking
I hear voices, and they don’t like you
Chalkboard just wants out
Chalkboard wants bailout
Chalkboard wants buyout
The mullet is the future
Careful playing Scrabble, you could lose an I
Good listeners are ear responsible
Pickles are just cucumbers soaked in evil
You have failed me for the last time Tony

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

Hi. Where’s your off button?
Not all who wander are lost
Don’t forget these 3 things… I forget
I’m not old, I’m experienced
How can you mute a face like this?
Everything in moderation, including moderation

I look better in 3D 6D


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