Today is yesterday’s tomorrow
OK, so what’s the speed of dark?
Proofreading are for lazy persons
ATH is a circus, and I’m in the freak tent

Note: ATH = Around The Horn

Come to the dork side
I’m a vol-in-tears
That’s unpossible
Man with 1 chopstick go hungry
I’m the windshield, Plaschke is the bug

Note: Plaschke = Bill Plaschke, another panelist on the show

Running out of chalk

Note: The “chalk” was faded, simulating him running out of chalk [pic]

I’m Woody and I approve of this message
Scoop Woody Dogg

Note: Arrow pointing at him.
Snoop Dogg was on the show with J. A. Adande in L.A. [pic]

My shoes are older than Reali
My best friends are imaginary
I can predict yesterday’s scores
Shhhh! Woody’s talking.
Please don’t sue me when I blow your mind
Never play strip ATH with Plaschke

Note: Plaschke = Bill Plaschke, another panelist on the show

Cows are mooooody
UFOs are real. Bigfoot told me so.
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