It’s wonderful to be in the great state of Denver
If it weren’t for electricity, we’d be watching ATH by candlelight

Note: ATH = Around The Horn

I almost had a psychic girlfriend, but she left me before we met
Most lies about me are false
To all panelists: eat my chalk
To all veterans: Happy Day!
ATH would get canceled without me

Note: ATH = Around The Horn

Meet my demands or I’m walking
Improve the show; Let me go solo!
If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it

Note: A quote from Toni Morrison

Dealer in high grade fertilizer
I don’t mispronounciate my words
Out of ideas 4 Blackboard
The best mind-altering drug is truth
Never believe in mirrors or newspapers
Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.
Voted before the show, will vote again after
Bob has a face like a saint—A saint bernard

Note: Bob = Bob Ryan, another panelist on the show

A critic is a legless man who teaches running
Decorate yourself from the inside out
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