Been known to exaggerate
Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]
A house without a toilet is uncanny
Help! I’ve fallen & I can’t shut up.
Men who live in glass houses should change in the basement
I’ll never forget this - for a long time
Don’t blame me, I just work here
I’ll make this sound cooler in my blog
Customer service: Putting people on hold since 1959
I’m smiling. That alone should scare you.
How can you mute a face like this?
I forgot more than Mariotti will ever know
Note: Mariotti = Jay Mariotti, another panelist on the show
Sorry Angelina, I’m taken
Men who run behind cars get exhausted
Be reasonable do it my way
Sorry but I’m ridiculously good
Send in the chimp, I’m taking the day off
Lifetime member of the time-out club
Don’t argue. I’ve been sauteed in right sauce.
Save the drama for yo’ mama