What if there were no rhetorical questions?
USA Swimmers: Just add water
Mariotti’s on a slow boat to China
This blackboard looked better on the Internet

I ♥ hyperbole the most. Ever.

Note: heart = a little heart (?)

It sure makes the day longer when I get to work on time
I have a reputation to live down to
What would MacGyver do?
Eliminating me is against human rights

Note: He was still getting a haircut during this segment.

The mute button violates the 1st amendment

Note: He was getting a haircut during this segment

Here and adored

Note: Pictures of Woody on the chalkboard. [pic]

Here and forgotten

Note: Pictures of Tony Reali on the chalkboard. [pic]

Gone and forgotten

Note: Pictures of Jay Mariotti on the chalkboard. He wasn't on the show. [pic]

I only make sense in closed captioning
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]

No spring chicken

Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]

My train of thought has been delayed
I’m in a place where I don’t know where I am
If I got smart with Jay, how would he know?

Note: Jay = Jay Mariotti, another panelist on the show

Rob Stone is rock solid!

Note: Rob Stone was filling in for Tony Reali this week.

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