Been known to exaggerate

Note: Arrow pointing at him [pic]

A house without a toilet is uncanny
Help! I’ve fallen & I can’t shut up.
Men who live in glass houses should change in the basement
I’ll never forget this - for a long time
Don’t blame me, I just work here
I’ll make this sound cooler in my blog
Customer service: Putting people on hold since 1959
I’m smiling. That alone should scare you.
How can you mute a face like this?
I forgot more than Mariotti will ever know

Note: Mariotti = Jay Mariotti, another panelist on the show

Sorry Angelina, I’m taken
Men who run behind cars get exhausted
Be reasonable do it my way
Sorry but I’m ridiculously good
I use jedi mind tricks
Send in the chimp, I’m taking the day off
Lifetime member of the time-out club
Don’t argue. I’ve been sauteed in right sauce.
Save the drama for yo’ mama
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