Only 11 shopping days until I go broke
I wore this red shirt to Target today. Ended up with a part-time job
I have a million nerves in my body. Reali irritates them all

Note: Reali = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

Banana nut muffin $152,000

Note: A banana nut muffin was taped to the chalkboard with duct tape, like that art piece. The muffin fell off during the first segment, and Woody ate it going into commercial.

Disney hired me to be goofy. I’ve succeeded
I am a star on a trek to boldly go nowhere
Baby Yoda adopting I am
When “check engine” light comes on, I think “maybe next week”
My strength of schedule on ATH this year is not strong
If in doubt, analytics
Who’s your daddy, turkey?
I won’t be dressing 4 Thanksgiving. I will be stuffing…my face
Snow ice cream recipe: Vanilla extract, sugar, white, not yellow, snow
Just saw “Knives Out” preview. Very sharp
I sold my homing pigeon today on eBay for the 16th time

I do crunches every day. Bacon.
Crunch, crunch, crunch

If cauliflower is on pizza, anything is possible
My mind is independently owned and operated

I have thesaurus



Thought I was talking to Alexa. It was a tuna fish can
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