Mony talks. To me it says “Good-bye”
My take-home pay is not enough to take me home
My dentist and my manicurist fight tooth and nail
I will say something today that will be confusing…even to me
Memo to math: Don’t bother me. Solve your own problems

Got email about ham, pork, preservatives.
It was spam

Parallel parking tip:
Park somewhere else

I offer you opinions for free. Offer void in states where prohibited
Tony says I need professional help. OK. Chef, driver, housekeeper

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

All my bills say “outstanding”. Glad I’m good at something
Baseball playoffs should be in mornings. I could stay up for extra innings

My proverb:
Rush hour drivers in hurry to get home and do nothing

Go big or go home? I can’t take a nap at big
When I need something, I can’t find it. When I find it, I don’t need it
I used to sow wild oats. Today I ate shredded wheat
I don’t like redundancies. They are repetitive
In Hawaii I go fat-dipping
If you don’t like my opinions, fill out the proper forms
We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto
I blessed the rains down in Africa - Toto
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