When “check engine” light comes on, I think “maybe next week”
My strength of schedule on ATH this year is not strong
Who’s your daddy, turkey?
I won’t be dressing 4 Thanksgiving. I will be stuffing…my face
Snow ice cream recipe: Vanilla extract, sugar, white, not yellow, snow
Just saw “Knives Out” preview. Very sharp
I sold my homing pigeon today on eBay for the 16th time
If cauliflower is on pizza, anything is possible
My mind is independently owned and operated
Thought I was talking to Alexa. It was a tuna fish can
Mony talks. To me it says “Good-bye”
My take-home pay is not enough to take me home
My dentist and my manicurist fight tooth and nail
I will say something today that will be confusing…even to me
Memo to math: Don’t bother me. Solve your own problems