Pros and cons of cooking:
Pros - The food
Cons - The cooking

Three hardest things to say:
I need help.
I’m sorry.
Worcestershire sauce.

Clerk said I needed more change. I told him I can’t
I have a fear of giants. Feefiphobia
Today’s show has all the earmarks of an eyesore
I think I can hear myself think
I had Miami of Ohio plus 70. So close
Checked myself into hokey pokey rehab center, and I turned myself around
Nobody else has 599.5 of anything
I’m actually a lot weirder in person

Spetember is suicide prevention awareness month.

We must never forget the memory of 9/11
Chicken-fried steak best food item ever. The rest is just gravy
I know who’s the most important person on ATH. Read first word again
Never thought I’d be someone who works out at a gym 2 hours daily. I was right
As I drove into cemetery GPS said I’d arrived at my final destination
My cow doesn’t produce. Milk dud
Reali’s back. Hope he went to a school to learn scoring

Note: Reali = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

Yoga, Yoga, Yoga,
Yoda, Yoda, Yoda,
Yogi, Yogi, Yogi

I live in Marvel world as Commander Chalkboard. My super power is eliminating Stugotz

Note: Stugotz is another panelist on the show

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