I’m not often wrong, but when I am wrong, it’s the wrongest of all-time wrongs. Right?
I want one viewer to stay up all night thinking only about me
Pier 17 in Manhattan is the cause for all my troubles

Note: Tony Reali, the host of ATH, is in the studio located near Pier 17

My senior thesis about using less paper was 2,400 pages
Tony can’t mute me today if I whisper and speak Latin
KB will be the professor in Gilligan’s Island reboot. Imagine Mina as Mary Ann
I must do a butter job on my diet
I feel inhibited because I think people are watching me
Summary of my life: Ctrl-Alt-Del
Chase is inevitable. I have a drawer full of pennies and dimes
Sometimes I feel stupid. Then I listen to Stugotz

Note: Stugotz is another panelist on the show

I keep clicking the space bar, but, sadly, I’m still on Earth
I don’t follow instructions. I didn’t come here to read
I dreamed I had insomnia. Woke up and couldn’t sleep
Colorado has been voted fifth best state. Need a clue why?
I’m trying to find “ATH - The Lost Episodes”
My studio is the size of a water closet. Without a toilet
I keep my friends close, Reali in New York

Note: Reali = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

Stand by for my exit velocity
I have a new launch angle to try on Tony

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

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