I do cross-fit. Cross my fingers and hope my pants fit
At my church the bishop moves diagonally
What hair color does K.B. put on his driver’s license? N/A

Note: K.B. = Kevin Blackistone, another panelist on the show

Friday I tweeted:
N@tv err fffn@gf
Try to break the code

In terms of computers, a Dell makes the best music
Despite what you think, I don’t put a lampshade on my head at parties and talk sports
My favorite email categories are spam and eggs
I mix olive oil with kale. Easier to scrape kale into the trash can
I’m a hip-hop artist. I do paintings of rabbits
I have one word of advice for you: bohemianrhapsody
Yesterday I took two laps around the gym. I might go in tomorrow
The last time I was somebody’s type, I was donating blood

Dear A. B.:
Call me Mr. Big Mouth

My daughter thinks I have a real job
I have two words for you. Two words
I burned 2,000 calories yesterday. Left the brownies in the oven too long
I can keep a secret. The people I tell it to can’t
I want to go to another planet and make circles in their crops
Chillin’ with my gnomies

Note: Drawn pic of a garden gnome [pic]

If you’re not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light in the fridge?
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