If you don’t like the blackboard put duct tape over that part of the TV
I play a mean game of pickleball. I’m considered a big dill

Sign on my TV:
“Built in antenna”.
What is that country?

I used to be apathetic. Now I just don’t care anymore
Sarah has me confused with someone who cares about her opinion

Note: Sarah = Sarah Spain, another panelist on the show

I wear throw-back clothes every day. That’s all I have in the closet
My younger sister wanted to be an only child
Guy asked to be friends again. I said, “Why make the same mistake twice?”
Snowing in Denver. I took the bus today. I hope the police don’t find it
I got the flu shot today. Yep, got flu. Should have gotten anti-flu shot
I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know
I’m a huge fan of space. Both outer and personal
The older I get, the earlier it gets late
Just bought some Halloween candy that won’t make it to Halloween
I like Switzerland’s flag
I called a psychic for an interview. He said I won’t show up
Why buy a bed when it’s so easy to fall asleep on a sofa?
Smoke detectors batteries always die and squeak at 3 A.M.
I like extra fries more than exercise
I favor exorcism over exercise
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