I’m no good at math. Go figure
Was fired by cement company, but wasn’t given a concrete reason
Dreamed last night I ate a pillow. Woke up with cotton mouth
When playing in Canada you have to bring eh game
If 3 of 4 people suffer with cavities, does the other enjoy them?
I shot my age in golf on my birthday. I quit after 12 holes
Because a broker invested my money I’m broker
Electrician sent me a bill for $2,000. I was shocked
Boomerang I threw yesterday hasn’t come back. I’m scared
National Pirate Day! Willie St-aargh-ell my favorite
I just bought a reversible jacket. Let’s see how this turns out
First on my bucket list is a new bucket
Gave Tony gluestick instead of chapstick. He won’t talk to me
Tony asks some ridiculous questions. Right up my alley

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

I threw a rock 5,280 feet. That’s a real milestone
I’m an awful mind reader. Telepathetic
I’m going for 5,000 shows on my 99th birthday
2,500th ATH appearance. First one seems like only 17 years ago
I detest peer pressure. You must, too
Takes me four times to insert USB right side up
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