All of these one-liners I come up with and I still don’t have my own sitcom?
Wardrobe Quality


Why do dogs run to the door when the doorbell rings? It’s rarely ever for them
My 2020 vision allows me to see four years into the future
Laughing gas


:  )

Keys to happiness



Cut yourself some slack


Photoshop: Helping Frank Isola since 1988

Note: Frank Isola is another panelist on the show

Shout out to my arms for always being on my side
Yes, English can be strange; however it can be understood through tough, thorough thought, though

Gone Fishing

Come up with your own saying today
Random axe of kindness

Note: This is the same chalkboard from May 3, 2016. [pic]

Frank, remember that the best nicknames are the ones people don’t know they have

Note: Frank = Frank Isola, another panelist on the show

Random axe of kindness

Note: Drawing of an axe with a complement [pic]

Cleaning Tip #1:
While listening to music, never use the toilet brush as your microphone

The list of my best puns of 2016:

How to have a beach body:

1. Have a body
2. Go to the beach

Live everyday like it’s taco Tuesday

I chose the road less traveled.
Now where am I?

In honor of Earth Day, I moved all of my emails to the “recycle” folder

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