I try really hard, but this guy keeps failing me
Note: Arrow pointing at Woody [pic]
Waffles are just pancakes with abs
The only time I set the bar low is during a game of limbo
I love the way the Earth rotates. It really makes my day.
Sadly, the days of people using proper English are went
Note: Drawing of a selfie stick [pic]
If everyday is a gift, then today I received a pair of socks
I really need to step up my stair puns
I wonder if the ocean is salty because land doesn’t wave back
Lets wrap this up lickety split, I’ve got Pokemon to catch
Welcome to the show Ramona! Another foil!
Note: Ramona = Ramona Shelburne, a new panelist to the show
Ban pre-shredded cheese. Make America grate again
My favorite team is procrasti, and I’m thinking about joining their nation, but I’ll decide later
I had a neck brace fitted years ago, and I never looked back
I wear a Speedo when I want the entire pool deck to myself
Things Meat Loaf would do for love
Note: Pie chart showing "anything" and "that" [pic]
USGA ruled today Irving’s shot was a 2-pointer