If the Broncos win, I’m painting the Golden Gate Bridge orange.
I’m setting up a table at interview night. Meeting is 25 cents
Tomorrow I’m escaping into Alcatraz
Camping is all in tents and purposes outside
Bill, the book I got you for Christmas is due back at the library today
Note: Bill = Bill Plaschke, another panelist on the show
Hedgehogs are rude. They never share the hedge.
I once auditioned to be a trumpeter, but I blew it
Never give up on your dreams. Unless your dream is to be younger.
Math: The only place people buy 72 oranges and no one wonders why
A bizarre bazaar is a strange place to shop
Reali sits on paper towels. Mute me on the bounty.
Note: Reali = Tony Reali, the host of ATH.
Loading an online shopping cart with $1.4 billion worth of random stuff takes a long time
Always give 100 percent. Unless you’re donating blood.
My accupuncturist always gets the jab well done
Note: accupuncturist [sic]
Do lobster cops use rubber bands instead of handcuffs?
The Miss Universe pageant is fixed. Every winner has been from Earth
When in doubt I mumble and hope not to get muted
We all know babies come from storks, but do the heavier ones come from cranes?