Tomorrow I’m escaping into Alcatraz
Camping is all in tents and purposes outside
Bill, the book I got you for Christmas is due back at the library today

Note: Bill = Bill Plaschke, another panelist on the show

Hedgehogs are rude. They never share the hedge.
I once auditioned to be a trumpeter, but I blew it

Early to bed,
early to rise,
means you can't
watch west coast games

Never give up on your dreams. Unless your dream is to be younger.
Math: The only place people buy 72 oranges and no one wonders why
A bizarre bazaar is a strange place to shop
Reali sits on paper towels. Mute me on the bounty.

Note: Reali = Tony Reali, the host of ATH.

Loading an online shopping cart with $1.4 billion worth of random stuff takes a long time
Always give 100 percent. Unless you’re donating blood.
My accupuncturist always gets the jab well done

Note: accupuncturist [sic]

Do lobster cops use rubber bands instead of handcuffs?
The Miss Universe pageant is fixed. Every winner has been from Earth
When in doubt I mumble and hope not to get muted
We all know babies come from storks, but do the heavier ones come from cranes?

Auld Lang Syne
confusing people since 1787

May all of your worries last as long as your new years resolutions

The part of the paper when you get tired of thinking

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