I have a photographic memory. But I never developed it.
I have a smart pet spider. He has his own website.
The inventor of the door knocker should win a no-bell prize
I used to be great at banking but I lost interest

Dead Zone:
Beware of zombies

Biologists take cellfies

Never leave dishes nsync

You know what seems odd to me?
Numbers that aren't divisible by two.

I don’t like the tops of stairs either. They always bring me down.
I really don’t like it when my food goes to waist
Frank, I relish the fact that you mustard the courage to attempt to ketchup to me in the standings

Note: Frank = Frank Isola, another panelist on the show

What is the definition of a will?
(It's a dead giveaway)

Puppets for sale.
No strings attached.

Who is the new girl?
-- Chalkboard

Note: New girl is Kate Fagan, another panelist on the show

I’m not being obtuse but, you’re acute girl.
I don’t always turnip at parties, but when I do I’m the radish guy.

Parallel lines have so much in common...
It's a shame they will never meet


This about says it all:


I became a vegetarian. I think it was a huge missed steak

Nothing brightens up a room like Frank's absence
Oh, wait...

Note: Frank = Frank Isola, another panelist on the show

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