I’m training for a Netflix marathon
Running late is exercise, right?
Only one thing keeps me from getting the new iPhone…iBroke
My iPhone seems to be broken. I pressed the home button and I’m still at work.
I wonder how many miles I’ve scrolled on my iPhone?
They say laughter is the best medicine. Actually, it’s scoring more points than Frank.
Note: Frank = Frank Isola, another panelist on the show
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Frank who?
Note: Frank = Frank Isola, another panelist on the show.
If we were school supplies I would be the ruler of this panel
I wrote a tune about a tortilla. Actually, it’s more of a wrap song.
I started a band called 999 megabytes, we haven’t gotten a gig yet.
I’m so ecstatic but why is nothing sticking to me?
Just went to an emotional wedding; even the cake was in tiers
If two wrongs don’t make a right, try three
If Apple made a car, would it have windows?