Garage Sale
80% off

I may be old, but I got to see all the cool bands
If history repeats itself, I’m getting a dinosaur.
Careful. You could end up in my next novel.
Deja stew; I’ve had that soup before
Introducing the Grahamwow!
I’m going to go stand outside, so if anyone asks I’m outstanding
Who needs a sexy beard with a body like this?
If he is a time traveling doctor, wouldn’t that make him “Dr. When”

The Decision
Beard or no beard?

Sharkmardzija sighted. Bat at own risk.
How about I take a selfie for every point I score today?
Discounted skydiving rates. Independence day special!

Fireworks expert!
If you see me running, try to keep up

My group of death:

1. Stairs
2. Driving
3. Kids on my lawn
4. Smart phones


If you’re cooler than me, does that make me hotter than you?
I had something clever to say but it wouldn’t fit on this tiny board
If a seagull flew over the bay, would it then be a bagel?
What are the chances Madison Square Garden starts selling fish filet sandwiches?
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