This chalkboard is gluten-free
What do you mean my birth certificate expired?

It is always important
to plan ah

2 peanuts walk into a bar...
1 was a-salted.

Bird of a feather flock together, to poop on your car.
Don’t listen to me, read the board.

I have the smartest teacher...
I'm self-taught

PTI: Where 2 bald men fight over a comb.

Note: PTI = Pardon The Interruption, the show that follows ATH.

My hamster died today. He fell asleep at the wheel.

You're cordially invited...
to leave at anytime.

Tony certainly knows what I’m chalking about.

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH.

I bet you 5,000 points I can beat Jackie today.

Note: Jackie = Jackie MacMullan, another panelist on the show, who started the show with -500 points.

Don’t you know who I think I am?
I’d be honest with you, but I rather be friends.
I don’t always write on a chalkboard, but when I do, it’s awesome!
Of all the chalkboards I own, this is my favorite.
Sometimes, I lose on purpose just to make others feel better.
So I can write anything here, and you’ll put it on TV?
I’ll forget more than you’ll never know.
You can crush chalk, but not my dreams.
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