The dogs let themselves out.
Kill the clock while you still have time.
When it rains and it’s sunny, I have mixed emotions.
If I don’t see you before Easter, I’ll see you at the Peeps show.
If I don’t see you before Easter, hide the eggs.
I’d say I’m happy to be here, but why lie?
Can’t was defeated in the battle of try.

ESPN's fantasy team ruined my brackets.

Celebrity astrology; it’s all about the stars.

Angles that text and drive.

I’ve got fingers on my blisters.
I love my job. It’s the work that I hate.
This is a good bagel. Probably because it’s a donut.
I’d make a terrible pessimist.
Their. There. They’re not the same.

What's the point of all this

Their are to meny badd spelers in the wurld.

Note: (on a personal note, my OCD is going crazy!)

If winning was easy, losers would do it.
Don’t just do something, stand there.

My chalk turns green when I'm about to win.

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