The dogs let themselves out.
Kill the clock while you still have time.
When it rains and it’s sunny, I have mixed emotions.
If I don’t see you before Easter, I’ll see you at the Peeps show.
If I don’t see you before Easter, hide the eggs.
I’d say I’m happy to be here, but why lie?
Can’t was defeated in the battle of try.
Celebrity astrology; it’s all about the stars.
I’ve got fingers on my blisters.
I love my job. It’s the work that I hate.
This is a good bagel. Probably because it’s a donut.
I’d make a terrible pessimist.
Their. There. They’re not the same.
Their are to meny badd spelers in the wurld.
Note: (on a personal note, my OCD is going crazy!)
If winning was easy, losers would do it.
Don’t just do something, stand there.