If speech is really free, then why do we have to pay for vowels?
Bad spellers of the world untie!
If I win Powerball, I will split it with all the viewers.

Mute me all you want...
I'm learning sign language.

I’m a contestant on a reali-ty show.

Note: Tony Reali is the host of ATH.

If intelligence were sunshine...
you'd be an eclipse!

I would tell a joke about pizza, but that would be too cheesy.
I’ve fallen in love with the Internet. It was love at first site.
That chandelier I passed before was the high light of my day.
A door open is ajar. When a jar is open is it adoor?
Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.
Before you came along we were hungry. Now we are fed up!
People live and learn. He just lives.

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody.

Moonlight becomes you, total darkness even more!
Your argument is like the waves of the sea. It makes me sick!
I worship the ground that awaits you.
He’s dark and handsome. When it’s dark, he’s handsome.
I discovered the python had a crush on me.
Your mouth is getting too big for your muzzle.
You’re so ugly you make small children cry!
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