Don’t interrupt the conversation I’m having with myself.
Circle of trust


If you don’t like my driving, stay off the sidewalk.

They aren't extinct; they're just hiding.

Can we have class outside today?
I’m just a sorry person.

Sorry for shouting yesterday last segment

Sorry for shouting yesterday
The glass is always full

Note: Drawing of glass showing half air, half water.

You read my board.
That's enough interaction.
Stop emailing me!

Dear Algebra,
Stop asking us to find your X, she's not coming back

Snowmen fall from the sky unassembled.
Restraint is good in moderation
I used to respect my elders. Now I have none to respect.
Sure, let me drop everything and work on your problem!
Thank you Wikipedia!

I don't care.
Have a nice day.

Pain is weakness leaving the body.
All true wisdom is found on this board.
So far, this is the oldest I’ve ever been.
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