I’d rather be alone than with these people.
Forgive Bomani, I was young and stupid once too.

Note: Bomani = Bomani Jones, another panelist on the show.

Either you agree with me, or you’re wrong.
Pong is still the best game.


I’m your wing, man


I got rid of my headache


Cool story bro; tell it again.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…and mutes!
I’ve got your back


Don’t be square!

Note: A circle talking to a square [pic]

You’re pointless.

Note: A triangle talking to a circle [pic]

All sports are fantasy sports with this body.

Zombies eat brains!
(Tony, you're safe)

Bob Ryan and I are reprising our roles on The Muppets.
(Statler + Waldorf)

Give me Face Time, or give me cheeseburgers.

Karaoke is a window to the soul.
Soul, or funk, or rock.

I’m just the boy that tweeted “wolf”
If you don’t believe me, I made it up.
Beggers can’t be choosers, but they can win this show!

This is my brain.
Well, this is my brain on chalk.

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