Everything can be filed under “miscellaneous”
Why are they called “stands” when they’re made for sitting?
I went from liking Air Supply to needing air supply.

Someone said I sound like an owl.
(wait for it)

I’m available for 4 difficult payments of: $19.99

salt + pepper to taste
1-2 jiggers tequila "top shelf"
1 tbs mexican hot sauce
secret ingredient:
1 tbs mayo (don't tell)


3 ripe avacodos [sic]
1 tbs lemon juice
1/2 small sweet onion
1 ripe roma tomato
2 serrano peppers
chopped cilantro
(more to come - I hope)


Coming up:
by popular demand, Woody's world famous superbowl guac. (get a pen)

I’d rather be alone than with these people.
Forgive Bomani, I was young and stupid once too.

Note: Bomani = Bomani Jones, another panelist on the show.

Either you agree with me, or you’re wrong.
Pong is still the best game.


I’m your wing, man


I got rid of my headache


Cool story bro; tell it again.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…and mutes!
I’ve got your back


Don’t be square!

Note: A circle talking to a square [pic]

You’re pointless.

Note: A triangle talking to a circle [pic]

All sports are fantasy sports with this body.
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