The only thing less funny than self-deprecating humor is me
Reali and zombies love my brain
Note: Reali = Tony Reali, the host of ATH
A backward poet writes inverse
Greek mythology always has been my Achilles’ elbow
I don’t get the point of curved televisions
I think I’m addicted to Taylor Swift’s music, so I’m trying to shake it off
So the duck tells the bartender, “Put it on my bill”
I woke up this morning on Mt. Everest. It’s all uphill from here
My body has no curb appeal
Smiling will instantly increase your face value
Professional construction has pros and cons
I have a joke about a muffler, but it is exhausting
Tony’s teleprompter broke. He’s speechless
Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH
Those who build roofs are so inclined
Despite my stardom, my career appearing on games shows is in jeopardy
Indecision is they key to flexibility
Note: 'they' [sic] [pic]
Lottery: A tax on people that are bad at math