If I were the only panelist I still couldn’t get to 500 wins
If there was a scandal about a fence, would they call it gate-gate?
I’d call my fashion style “clothes that still fit”
One day you’re the best thing since sliced bread, the next, you’re toast
Money can’t buy happiness, but you can find it faster in a convertable
Sometimes I feel like a semicolon. I never know where; I belong
I admit I am condescending. I always talk down to people
When all is said and done there is always someone who is still talking

Sometimes I wish I was a whiteboard; they are remarkable

When I first got my universal remote, I thought to myself, “This changes everything”
To make a long story short, just quit right in the middle.
Some questions just answer themselves: sit-ups or pizza?
Do I have a police record? No, but I own two of their albums on cassette.
Hang on Tony. Let me over think this.

Note: Tony = Tony Reali, the host of ATH

Life is short. I’m not too long for it

Let me be frank with you
Perhaps not

I got caught stealing a calendar and got twelve months
Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
A book fell on my head this morning. I have only myshelf to blame.
Fishermen are reel men
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