Man, what a deflating loss for the Colts!


My pet chameleon


Pillow fight champion featherweight division
What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?

What do you get when you cross Oregon & Ohio State?
A duckeye or a buckduck

Monday Special
Free shrugs for Frank Isola

Note: Frank Isola is another panelist on the show

Plateau’s. The highest form of flattery.
For Pete’s sake, who’s Pete Sake?

"I shrunk because I was in a pool of grease."
-- Bacon

Something between us smells


My New Year's resolution:
500 wins. It starts today

I’m going to get Blitzen for the holidays
I’m the first No-L
Stay tuned; my facetime is coming up next

Warning Frank
I know every word to the Frozen song. I will sing it to you

Note: Frank = Frank Isola, another panelist on the show

Not photo shopped

Note: Arrow pointing at Woody [pic]


I learned how to do chalkboard stands
-- chalkboard


What's Forrest Gump's password?

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